to the panel;
I am looking for information from the smedery from Cornelis den Dulk wzn
Metaal draaierij
Herstelplaats voor
Machines en Ketels
Located at the Treilerweg 14
Cornelis was born in the Cornelis Jolstraat 43
He later lived at the Tholense straat 145
He was in buseniss from around 1890 thru 1931 when he filed for bankrupty (faillesement)
The reason I am interested is , my dad Cornelis den Dulk 1894-1952 served his apprentisship there and received his diploma for machine bankwerker after which he received his license for engineer (schips werktuigkundige) Any information and or picture
from this shop would be greatly appreciated Adriaan den Dulk
Beste Adriaan
Het zou dan hier ongeveer moeten zijn geweest.